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    Additional Driver's License Code/s - The process of including other type of vehicles which the holder of a driver's license may operate.


      1. Licensing Centers / Licensing Extension Offices
      2. Authorized District Offices / Extension Offices


    TYPE OF TRANSACTION: G2C (Government to Citizen)


      1. Must be at least eighteen (18) years old.
      2. Must be able to read and write in Filipino and/or English
      3. Must be physically and mentally fit to operate a motor vehicle
      4.1. Must not have unsettled traffic violation
      4.2 For applicants with the following demerit points, the period of prohibition for change classification shall apply from the date of settlement of fines and penalties:
        1 - 2 demerit points - 3 months
        3 - 4 demerit points - 6 months
        5 or more demerit points - 1 year
      5. Must have passed the Automated Theoretical Examination and Practical Driving Test
      6.1 For RC 1 / DL Codes A and A1, must be a holder of a valid NPDL for at least six (6) months from the date of issuance
      6.2 For RC 2 or 4 / DL Codes B, B1 and B2, must be a holder of a valid NPDL for at least one (1) year from the date of issuance
      6.3 For RC 3 or 5 / DL Codes C, must be a holder of PDL Code B2 (RC 2) for at least four (4) years
      6.4 For RC 3 or 5 / DL Codes D, must be a holder of PDL Code B1 (RC 2) for at least four (4) years
      6.5 For RC 6 or 7 / DL Codes BE, must be a holder of B, B1, or B2 (RC 2) for at least three (3) years
      6.6 For RC 8 / DL Codes CE, must be holder of C or D (RC 3) for at least six (6) months
      For Special Purpose Vehicles
      Must be a holder of a professional driver's license corresponding to the type of DL Code he/she operates and must comply with the required training every renewal of DL

      Ambulance - TESDA or Accredited TESDA Training Centers
      Firetruck - National Fire Training Institute
      Armored Car - Armored Services Association of the Philippines or other related association
      School Service - Land Transportation Office (LTO) or Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB)
      Carrier of Hazardous Cargo - TTESDA or Accredited TESDA Training Centers
      1. Duly accomplished Application for Permits and Licenses (APL) Form
      Where to secure: Land Transportation Office (LTO) Official Website ( and Client Service Assistant (CSA)/PACD of License Section - Central Office, Licensing Centers / Licensing Extension Offices, District Offices / Extension Offices, DLROs and E-Patrol
      2. Electronically transmitted medical certificate from LTO accredited medical clinic. Submission of one (1) photocopy and presentation of original medical certificate
      Where to secure: Medical clinics accredited by Land Transportation Office (LTO)
      3. Presentation of original NPDL/PDL
      Where to secure: Applicant
      4.1. For DL Code A or A1, if holder of A / A1, no PDC required
      4.2. For DL Code B, B1 or B2, if holder of B, B1 / B2, no PDC required
      4.3. For DL Code C, must have equivalent training from LTO accredited TESDA Training Center for Driving (Straight Truck/Passenger Bus) NC III or PDC from Driving School prior to application
      4.4. For DL Code D, must have equivalent training from LTO accredited TESDA Training Center for Driving (Straight Truck/Passenger Bus) NC III or PDC from Driving School prior to application
      Where to secure:
        LTO Driver's Education Center (DEC)
        LTO Accredited Driving Schools
        LTO Accredited TESDA Training Center
      4.5. For DL Code BE, must have equivalent training from LTO accredited TESDA Training Center or PDC from Driving School prior to application or holder of CE (RC 8)
      4.6. For DL Code CE, must have equivalent training from LTO accredited TESDA Training Center for Driving (Articulated) NC III or PDC from Driving School prior to application